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Complaints Process

Privacy Policy & Complaints Process

Complaints Handling


(a) Lodgment of Complaints

IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED Privacy Officer will provide reasonable information and assistance to ensure that Complaints are lodged effectively.

Complaints may be lodged by emailing IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED Privacy Officer using the details in Section 11.

Complaints will be acknowledged, and Website users will be advised of the progress of their Complaint.

IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED has established, and will continue to develop, quality processes for the effective acknowledgement and processing of complaints.

(b) Response to Complaints        

Complaints will be processed in a timely and efficient manner. IRGPL is committed to continuous improvement and training to ensure that complaints are resolved promptly and courteously.

Managing our customer’s expectations realistically is IRGPL goal. This involves investigation and thoroughly analyzing of each complaint and a resolution offered as soon as practicable.

(c) Review of Complaint Handling Process

IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED complaint handling procedures and systems ensure effectiveness, and we conduct internal reviews to highlight any need for improvement or required training where necessary.

(d) Records/ Systems

All Complaints are recorded and analyzed to ensure that our complaint management processes comply with this policy.

Systemic trends and recurring problems will be identified, and feedback provided to the relevant departments to improve processes and your customer experience.

(e) Escalation of Complaints

IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED goal in the area of complaints handling is to finalize complaints as soon as possible practicable. Where necessary, you will be kept informed of the progress of your complaint.

Where IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED has exhausted the channels available to it under these Terms and the relevant Policies to address your complaint, you can escalate your complaint to the Fair-Trading Office in your State, or the ACCC.

Contacting our Privacy Officer 

Send correspondence via email addressed to: The Privacy Office, IMPERIAL REALTOR GROUP PTY LIMITED Email-